Winter is coming

winter is coming have a look at solar energy battery storage
30th September 2019

OK, so that may be a bit premature but here in the UK, many of us are adjusting to the post ‘Holiday’ season. Finally seeing Children back to school, heavier rush hour traffic and the beginning of the countdown to Winter.

We may still have a little tan from our brief ‘brush’ with the sun over the last 6 weeks. But let’s face it, within another couple of months, we’ll be thinking about the onset of Winter. Especially the cold, long, dark nights.

With the change in the season comes a change in how we live too. Colder weather brings some relief from the sun. Generally though, for most, it means closed windows and central heating. Coupled with thinking about the pre-Christmas craziness.

Dark winter nights, higher energy bills

The longer nights also mean we’ll be spending less time outdoors and more time in our homes often with a sharp rise in our power consumption and spend too. Winter is coming and that extra draw on the power grid puts a vast strain on our existing and old grid network, which is why our government encourages the swap to renewable sources for our energy generation where possible.

If you already have Solar Panels on your home, you’ll know the long summer days where you generate from early morning to late at night are drawing to a close and shorter days mean less opportunity to generate energy, resulting in higher electric bills.

The world is changing

Consumer giants ‘Which’ have recently reported that the number of people with Solar, considering or installing Solar Batteries is growing at a rapid rate year on year. Understandably so why you consider that you could save as much as 70% on your electric bills.

There are lots of Solar Battery Manufacturers in the marketplace but beware of polished and expensive advertising campaigns with equally expensive price tags. Look for quality in the build, aesthetics, components and the safety / durability element. Also, think about how you’ll use your battery or maybe how your family will grow. You may want a system that can grow with you, like the Soltaro All-in-One ESS range.

Read our article on why it is important to do your homework when investing in your energy cost reduction.

Why Soltaro?

The Soltaro Battery Storage range come with a long lasting warranty of 10 years or 10,000 charging cycles and an expected lifespan of double that. With plug and play technology and clean, quick install, you’ll be saving instantly with a battery that looks good in your home wherever you’d like it to be.

Join the energy revolution, forget the annual energy bill rises. Take control of your power generation and lower those bills permanently.